About Me

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Little Rock, Arkansas, United States
I love a little controversy, a good conspiracy plot, and connecting people to solve real-world problems.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Resolutions are for Cowards

Resolutions require resolve and that's where most of us go wrong. Horribly wrong. We flail, we lag, we lie to ourselves. Don't say, "I resolve to..." Your subconscious is already rolling on the floor laughing at you. With that said, here are three things that I have always wanted to get a handle on, so this year I have scheduled time (pay attention now) to get them done. And I have also set aside extra time to research best practices and life hacks because we need all the help we can get! (That and an excuse to peruse Pinterest, YouTube, and a billion online blogs in the name of research.)

So before I get cold feet, here they are, my three major life-changing projects of 2016.

1. Slay the budget monster in my head. You know, the one that says you lack the discipline to put together an emergency savings account and that only goddesses can budget to zero. More lies.

2. Home-cooked meals. And I don't mean Taco Night. I'm talking about hard-core stuff like monthly meal planning, bulk cooking, and clean your crock pot Gina because it will save your life stuff.

3. Organizing and executing a cleaning schedule with a little help from the keikis. This is revenge for them rating me a 10 on the pushover scale. I'm also lumping exercise into this project because I hear cleaning counts as aerobic activity. Not that I know much about that either.

Keepin it real moment. While it'd be cool to just write a post or two about each project and get move on to some other fun stuff , that too would be cowardly. No sweeping anything under the sofa here. Welcome to my hale where we learn from other people's #failwhales.

Due to my flagrant use of Pidgin English at random moments, I'd like to recommend Pidgin to Da Max, a humorous look at our beloved island lifestyle and language. They're also a lot of online blogs that take the outside in point of view like dis one. And you intellectual types might appreciate this primer ova hea.

And because I hate those random, creepy ads that pop up all over the place on other blogs, these are not affiliate links. No money is being made here, at least not by me. But, if you like what you see and wanna PayPal some love dis way, shoot me an email for more info.